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Summer Short Exchange Training Program 2011 with UESTC

On Thursday, July 28, three UESTC (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) students, participating in Summer Short Exchange Training Program paid courtesy call on Prof. Kajitani, the UEC president and Prof. Fukuda, the director of Center for International Programs and Exchange.  The UESTC students introduced themselves and talked about the initial impression they had being in Japan and what they want to achieve in this program. In response, the two UEC representatives gave them some advice on living in Japan, to which they listened attentively.

This exchange program started last year with UESTC, one of our international partners. This year, UEC has accepted these three students into Ming Lab in Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems, and is providing them with a technical training from July 22 through August 25. From late August, in turn, three UEC students will participate in the same training program at UESTC campus for a month.

This program has been approved for Short Stay & Short Visit Program by JASSO (Japan Student Services Organization) this year and conducted with its scholarship support.


Created: August 5, 2011 / Last modified:November 19, 2012