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IEC Home Future Students Why UEC? Gu Minghan

Gu Minghan

180-IMG_5673.jpgGu Minghan

I am Gu Minghan, an international student from China. I came to Japan in 2010, and studied Japanese at a Japanese language school for 2 years and attended a career college for 1 year. After that, I enrolled in the University of Electro-Communications (UEC) as an undergraduate student in 2013. Now, I am a first year Master’s student and conducting research at Professor Kanamori’s laboratory.

UEC sometimes describes itself by the following slogan: “small and shiny” university. In my student life at UEC, I feel that the above slogan exactly expresses what kind of university UEC is.

When I was a first year undergraduate student, I took classes with the students of other departments. That is why I could meet many students of other departments, become friends with them and broaden my horizons in that year. I had a very good and enjoyable time in that year. Also, in my second and third year of the undergraduate program, I was able to deepen my understanding of the study fields related to my department through specialized courses and obtain basic knowledge and skills to start my research from experiments and drawing courses.

Apart from my study and research, I have been actively involved in many events as a chair of the UEC Chinese Student Society as well. For instance, I organized the members of the society to set up our own booth at the UEC annual campus festival and planned some events. Also, I volunteered as a language teacher to teach Chinese at Chofu Culture Hall. It was a great experience for me.

During my fourth year of the undergraduate program, I chose Professor Kanamori’s laboratory to conduct my research. My research theme was to develop a secure and safe sensor which could be used in commercial facilities, etc. My research has been conducted with industry-academia collaboration. As for my research, I have worked with some companies to build a system and develop new products. After I graduated from the undergraduate program, I went on to a Master’s program to continue my research because I would like to develop my research to be close to practical use and used on many occasions in our lives.

I am currently proceeding with the project along with some cooperating companies for my research project as a first year Master’s student. In addition to taking classes and conducting research, I often have meeting with the cooperating companies for my research project. Although I have been quite busy with my study and research, I can proceed with my research project and get some experience in the real world. This experience gives me the basic skills which are required to be a full-fledged member of society. Thus, I can say that I have a meaningful and productive student life.

I believe one of the reasons why I could live a fulfilling life as a student is that UEC faculty members who are charge of international students and university staff provide support to international students, for instance, the orientation and guidance for international students, and Japanese language classes. Because of their support, many international students do not need to worry about their studies much and are able to have an enjoyable student life.

For my financial issues, I have been granted a UEC student scholarship since I was a first year undergraduate student. Therefore, I could concentrate on my study and extracurricular activities without any concerns about my finances. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all faculty members of the Center for International Programs and Education who are in charge of international students.


Native Language

 我叫谷 明翰。是一名来自中国的留学生。我于2010年来到日本,通过两年的日本语学校和一年的专门学校的学习,于2013年作为学部生考入电气通信大学。现在是电气通信大学金森研究室的修士一年生。电气通信大学经常被人们说成是一所“虽然很小但是会发光的大学”。实际上通过我每天的在校生活,我也确实感觉到我们的大学的确是如上所描述的那样的。一年级的时候是共同教学,所有学科·学域的人混在一起分成各个班级,进行了一年的共同授课。得益于这种制度,它可以使我可以更深入的和其他学科以及学域的人进行交流,开阔自己的视野,有机会和更多的人成为朋友,度过了一个非常有意思的一年。接下来,通过二年和三年生的专业知识课程让我对自己的学科·学域有了一个更深刻的认知和了解。通过实验和制图课等的课程,使我在着手于研究时,拥有了一个更好的知识储备。另外,在生活方面,我并不光只是专注于学习,作为电气通信大学中国留学生会的会长,我曾组织大家在校园祭上开店,企划活动等,活跃于很多活动之间。还有通过老师的介绍,在调布文化会馆作为志愿者,曾任职中国语讲师,得到了很宝贵的经验。在大学四年级的时候,我被分配到金森研究室,担当的研究课题是“面向于商业设施的安心·安全传感器的开发”。我的研究属于产业连携,是和企业一起致力于系统的构建和产品的开发。毕业后,为了能使自己的研究成果可以运用于实际领域,活跃于多种场合,我决定继续升入大学院。继续自己的研究。现在作为修士一年生,和企业在一起做企划和项目,进行共同研究。平时除了研究和上课之外,经常会和企业一起探讨问题,举行会议。虽然多少感觉有些忙,当在研究进行的同时可以积累社会经验和锻炼能力,对我而言,这样的大学生活是很充实和有意义的。其实我能够拥有这样充实的大学生活主要是得益于大学留学生科的老师们的支援。通过面向留学生的说明会,介绍会,日本语课程等,解除了大家对于学业上的不安,使大家的学习生活变的更加顺畅。其次在经济方面,我从一年生开始一直被授予大学推荐的奖学金,这使我没有了经济上的不安和负担,可以让我可以更加集中自己的注意力在学习和学校活动上。最后,让我借此对留学生科的老师们表达深深的谢意。谢谢所有的老师们。

Created: May 11, 2017 / Last modified: May 17, 2017