Future Students
IEC Home Future Students Why UEC? Guijiang SUN

Guijiang SUN

sunguijiang.jpgGuijiang SUN
Enrolling since 2008, from CHINA

I had never touched a computer 'til I was at my first job after finishing my education in China, and it made me realize that with high level computer skills I would become more qualified for international job opportunities.  That’s why I came to Japan to enroll at UEC with its reputation for having a good study environment and successful post graduate job placement.  What we learn in classes is sometimes challenging when dealing with technological expertise; but teachers here are eager to support you if you ask questions. With my attitude and effort, I believe I can achieve anything I set out to do.

在国内中专学习和毕业后的工作中,我接触了电脑,但知道的都是浅显的电脑知识,也因为如此,我对电脑产生了浓厚的兴趣。所以决定学习有关电脑的专业知识, 为将来从事工作学得一技之长。于是我选择了来日本留学,选择了教育环境好,就业率高的電気通信大学。虽然专业课程有一点难于理解,但只要虚心向老师请教, 老师会非常耐心的解答你的疑问,我坚信只要努力,不管什么样的困难都能克服。

Created: March 26, 2010 / Last modified: September 4, 2015