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Faculty Adviser and Academic Supervisor

Upon entrance to UEC, you will be assigned faculty advisers for the first through third year of undergraduate study, and an academic supervisor for the fourth year of undergraduate study. Academic supervisors are also assigned to graduate students and research students. In addition,for international students in the first through third year of undergraduate study, a faculty of CIPE will be assigned as an advisory faculty for each international student. While studying at UEC it is recommended that you consult your advisory faculty and academic supervisor concerning your studies and research work.

Since full-time students need to take classes and earn credits, they have plenty of opportunities to meet with their academic supervisor. In the case of research students, however, fewer such chances are available and these students therefore need to take the initiative to meet with their academic supervisor periodically.

Please note that if you need to change academic supervisors due to special circumstances in the course of your research, you must obtain the approval of both the new and former academic supervisor and the chief professor in your field of study (your major).

Created: March 30, 2010 / Last modified:November 19, 2012