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Enrollment in Private Insurance

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of cases in which international students at UEC face such problems as injuries, illnesses, fires, leaky apartments, loss of personal belongings, or compensation to landlords. These problems force the student to bear expenses that were not anticipated and create a distraction from study. Thus, CIPE and International Student Section of Student Services Office highly recommend that all international students enroll in a comprehensive individual insurance scheme. CIPE and International Student Section are prepared to handle difficulties faced by international students, provided that the student is enrolled in this type of insurance. Please note that if you are not enrolled in an individual insurance scheme, CIPE and International Student Section may not be able to assist you when you are facing a problem.

Table 2.4 shows the types of insurance coverage available and examples of compensation. Since any of the types is necessary for risk management for international students, we recommend that you enroll in an insurance plan that provides coverage in all of the areas listed in the table.

Table 2.4
Type of Insurance Description (Examples)
Life/medical insurance Benefits provided in cases where a member dies or receives serious injury; surgery expenses; hospitalization fees; partial outpatient fees; etc.
Fire/residence insurance Compensation in the case of a fire or flood; accident benefits; benefits for cases in which a member is a victim of a household robbery; etc.
Liability insurance Compensation for other people or paid in respect of damage done to the property of other people, etc.
Rescue expenses insurance Transportation expenses for the member if there is an accident for which rescue is required; expenses for family members to come to Japan in cases of injury or accident; expenses for transport of body in cases where the member has died; etc.

Following are descriptions of two types of comprehensive insurance. CIPE and International Student Section highly recommend that you enrol in one or the other of these insurance plans.

Option 1: Univ Co-op Mutual-aid Insurance

UEC Univ Co-op handles comprehensive student insurance (life mutual insurance and fire mutual insurance) and personal liability insurance for students. You can enroll in these mutualaid and insurance programs at the service counter of the Co-op office on the ground floor of University Center. Table 2.5 provides details of the mutual-aid and insurance programs offered by the Co-op. In the case of international students, enrollment in overseas-travel insurance (rescueexpenses insurance) is required. Please ask an International Student Advisor for more information concerning the necessary procedures.

Table 2.5: UEC Co-op Mutual-aid and Insurance Programs Reference Table (valid as of October 2009)
Name of mutual-aid
and insurance program
Contract Type Type of Insurance
(cf. Table 2.4)
Insurance Premiums
(Premium Period
[See Note 1])
Comprehensive student insurance
(life mutual insurance)
NG Life/medical 11,400yen (1 year)
Comprehensive student insurance
(fire mutual insurance)
  Fire/residence 2,000yen (1 year)
Personal liability insurance for
  Liability 1,420yen (1 year)
2,550yen (2 years)
3,670yen (3 years)
4,800yen (4 years)
Rescue-expenses insurance
(overseas-travel insurance)
  Rescue expenses 4,140yen (1 year)

Note 1: The contract period varies depending on the type of mutual-aid and insurance program. Comprehensive student insurance (mutual life insurance) is renewable each year. Comprehensive student insurance (mutual fire insurance) is renewable each academic year (school year). Student liability insurance is a one-time contract until the student’s earliest year of graduation. Rescue-expenses insurance is offered for a minimum of one year.
Note 2: Since the coverage varies with each insurance plan, please read Handbook for Application from Univ Co-op (English and Chinese edition available) or certificate of insurance for more information.

Option 2: Student Education/Research Accident Insurance, Supplementary Liability Insurance, and Supplementary Comprehensive Insurance

This insurance plan covers injuries incurred during classes/research at the university, in extracurricular activities, or while commuting. The student education/research accident insurance plan is referred to as gakken-sai in Japanese. Supplementary insurance coverage is also offered as part of gakken-sai, including liability insurance for on-campus incidents that have occurred on campus, and comprehensive insurance for off-campus incidents, chronic illness, household fires, and so on. A list of types of insurance coverage is shown in Table 2.6. Enrollment procedures can be completed together with entrance procedures for newly entering students, and on an ongoing basis for students in the second year of study and higher. Reference materials and application forms are available at Extracurricular Activities/Student Welfare Section, Student Services Office.

Table 2.6: Reference of Student Education/Research Accident Insurance (gakken-sai) and Supplementary Insurance Coverage
Name of Insurance Contract Type Type of Insurance
(cf. Table 2.4)
Insurance Premiums
(Premiums Period
[See Note 1])
Student education/research accident insurance (gakken-sai) Geared for engineering students Only injuries incurred on campus, in university activities, or while commuting to/ from the university 1,200yen (1 year)
2,100yen (2 years)
3,050yen (3 years)
3,900yen (4 years)
Supplementary liability insurance (supplementary program of gakken-sai, gakken-bai) Geared for engineering students Compensation for on-campus activities, university activities or incidents while commuting to/from the university 340yen (1 year)
680yen (2 years)
1,020yen (3 years)
1,360yen (4 years)
Supplementary comprehensive insurance (supplementary program of gakken-sai) Type F
(See Note 2)
Life/medical; fire/residence; compensation; and rescue expenses 13,440yen (1 year)
23,490yen (2 years)
33,580yen (3 years)
43,650 (4 years)

Note 1: The enrollment period is until the student’s earliest year of graduation, and premiums should be paid in a lump-sum.
Note 2: If you are already enrolled in fire insurance at your rental apartment, you can exclude fire insurance from this program (Type E). The insurance premiums will be lower in this case. The Housing Guarantee Program for International Students, in which the university serves as a guarantor, is not recognized as a fire insurance or compensation insurance plan.

Reference: Percentage of Personally Borne Medical Expense

The percentage of personally borne medical expense for outpatient treatment for injuries or illnesses varies depending on whether you are enrolled in the National Health Insurance scheme and/or other insurance plans. Table 2.7 shows the percentage of personally borne expense for outpatient fees that are not considered excessively high. Enrolling in one of the individual insurance schemes that the university recommends ultimately reduces the personally borne medical expenses to 30% or less. Please note that if medical expenses become high due to hospitalization, the figures will be different from those in Table 2.7. In addition, the miscellaneous fees and charges for special treatment incurred during hospitalization are not covered by National Health Insurance. These expenses must all be personally borne (or covered by an individual insurance scheme).

Table 2.7: Reference of Percentage of Personally Borne Medical Expense for Outpatient Treatment for Injury or Illness
Category Portion Covered
by National Health
Portion Covered
by Other Insurance Scheme
Borne Portion
Member of National Health Insurance and UEC-designated individual insurance 70%
  • Uniformly 2,000 yen (In the case of Co-op insurance, however, for outpatient treatment of injuries of five days or more)
  • 70% (gakken-sai supplementary)
0 to 30%
Member of National Health Insurance only 70% 0% 30%
Not enrolled in National Health Insurance 0% 0% 100%

Created: March 31, 2010 / Last modified:April 19, 2013