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IEC Home Current Students News [Updated] Cycling events

[Updated] Cycling events

This event was held.

*This event will be held under the sponsorship of MITAKA, KOGANEI, and CHOFU city and will invite international students in vicinity, TOKYO GAKUGEI University.


Sep. 28 (Thursday) 10:00~16:00
Oct. 29 (Sunday) 10:00~16:00
Olympic tour
UEC international student who can communicate in JAPANESE
The participants
5 students each  (first come, first served!)
The fee
*FREE Lunch included, GHIBLI MUSEUM, MITKAKA ticket included
*On this event, you can borrow a bicycle for FREE (the bicycle is like on the attached flyer),
The deadline of this application
Aug. 31(Thursday) Sep. 6(Wednesday) [Updated!]
How to apply
Send us an email  , the title should be “cycling”,
the text should be below
  1. The date you want to participate(You can write the First choice, the Second choice)
  2. Your name
  3. Sex
  4. Age
  5. Nationality
  6. Your current address
  7. Your mobile phone number
  8. Do you have allergy of food? / Do you have any food you can’t eat because of religious?

h250-cycling-20170928a.jpg h250-cycling-20170928b.jpg

Created: August 21, 2017 / Last modified:August 30, 2017